报 告 人:Julio Benitez 教授
工作单位:Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
报告人简介:Julio Benitez 是西班牙瓦伦西亚理工大学的教授,2000年取得瓦伦西亚理工大学的博士学位,主要从事广义逆理论、矩阵理论、AHP理论的研究,并在 《Linear Algebra Appl》,《Linear Multilinear Algebra》,《the Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra》等杂志上发表了70余篇SCI 论文。
报告简介:In this talk, the (b, c)-inverse will be studied. Several equivalent conditions for the existence of the (b, c)-inverse in rings will be given. In particular, the conditions ensuring the existence of the (b, c)-inverse, of the annihilator (b, c)-inverse and of the hybrid (b, c)-inverse, will be proved to be equivalent, provided b and c are regular elements in a unitaryring R. In addition, the set of all (b, c)-invertible elements will be characterized and the reverse order law will be also studied. Moreover, the relationship between the (b, c)-inverse and the Bott–Duffin (p, q)- inverse will be considered. In the context of Banach algebras, integral, series and limit representations will be given. Finally, the continuity of the (b, c)-inverse will be characterized.